The Archaeological Region of Ancient Thira (Kamari)
Ancient Thira, the Classic city of island, finds itself in the In Mountain, in the 369 metres above the surface of sea. It was founded the 9th century p.H. from Dorians settlers, head of which was the Thiras and he continued be lived until and the precocious Byzantine period. The rescued ruins belong in the Hellenistic and Roman period of city. The lived region and the bigger piece of cemeteries, they were discovered by German archaelogists between in 1895 and 1902. the cemeteries in the NE and NW of Selladas, they were discovered by the N. Zafeiropoylo at the years 1961-1982. the more important monuments of space they are:
Holy Artemidos, entirely it is in the rock, it was founded by the Artemidos. Engraved in the person of rock it is letters and signs, as also and the symbols of gods that were worshipped: a eagle for Via, a lion for the Apollo, dolphin for the Neptune. Also are engraved the portrait of beautiful Artemidos, the founder of holy. Her all structure is until the end 4th or in the beginning of 3rd century B.C .
The Market is found almost in the centre of city. His southern department was actually the commercial centre and intermediate was the administrative centre. The northern department was added in the Roman period and he included monuments and buildings of adoration, that were erected to price of distinguished persons.
Royal Gallery (46 x 10 m.) it was built the season of August (1st century A.C.), in the N.E department of Market. The main entry is found in the Eastern side, to the Ancient Market and the terrace this is supported by a internal Dorian colonnade at length of axis of building. Statues of members of family of Cesear were set up in the northern department. Two engraved plates that were built in the western wall, record that the gallery was repaired the 149 A.C. from the Kleitosceni, rich Thiraian.
The Temple of Dionyssis
Small Dorian temple with small main part and built in one artificial terrace in north the Market. The facade and the roof were manufactured from marble, while the rest of building was from local Stone. It is dated from the 3 century of B.C(Hellenistic period). Holily in the N.W. end of city. The region is lived exclusively from holily, accomodated (as Holy the Karneioy Apollo, the Hermes and the Heracles, the Ptolemaios Third etc.) and the square, where they was realised the gymnopaidjes (dances from naked boys) to price of Apollo. Engraved in the rocks are found a lot of signs that are dated by the Archaic until the Roman period and are reported in deities and adolescents. Holy the Karneioy of Apollo, it is dated in the 6 century B.C. and is partly craved in the rock and partly built in one artificial terrace.
It includes:
- the temple with protube and mainly part
- a square courtyard with undergrounds reservoir, the roof of which is supported by six big monolithic pylons and
- a small building, very probably toilet.
High school of young persons
It is found in southern utmost the city and is dated from the 2 century A.C. a small cave, partly carved in the rock, she was been dedicated in the Hermes and in the Hercules. Cemeteries of ancient Thira. They are found in sides of the mountain, in the two sides of streets that led to the northern and southern harbours of ancient city, to the modern villages Kamari and Abundant, respectively. The graves had remained overdraft for long time interval between the Geometrical of season and the roman years.
The Theatre finds in side of Market. It had been manufactured in the Ptolemean period (3rd century p.H.) and in his initial form it had a circular orchestra. At the duration of transformations the 1st century A.C., the scene was extended and took part on of initial orchestra.
Hours of Operation – Summertime 2009
Each day except Monday: 08:30 - 15:00
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